I realise, after looking back at my previous posts that I really haven’t written as many as I would have liked to, at this stage. My new aim is to write at least two posts a week, so stay tuned! I’m taking the advantage of writing as much as I can before the new semester starts. So, I’ll be a busy blog bee :D
Anyways, today’s post is about how we should use our free time, for the better. I hate feeling really lazy. Though, I will admit, I can be stupidly lazy at times, especially during these summer months. For example, yesterday I stayed in bed until 4pm. I wasn’t asleep all that time. I actually wrote my last post and did various other things during that time. But nonetheless, I was still ‘lazy’. So, my point? I feel, as I’m getting older, the years are definitely flying past me quicker, and although I’m only twenty, I know the years won’t be long catching up… as my mother so kindly reminds me. I don’t want to waste every day where I have some free time doing absolutely nothing (duvet days are great though and will forever be part of my life, ha-ha). I want to‘broaden my horizons’. I love that saying.
I do have talents, but I don’t embrace them as much as I should. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been crazily in love with art and being creative in general. I have a kista (a sea chest) beside my bed, literally full of arts and crafts materials. My heaven! The problem is, I just don’t open the lid

Now, another hobby of mine, is dancing. I do this a lot, but not many people know about it. It’s such a great way to keep fit, especially when it’s pouring outside, meaning a run is out of the question. The bedroom is the best place and in fact the

So, there is a short list of just two things that I love to do. One that I need to do more of and another that I need to develop and expand upon. Plenty to keep me busy! Right? Maybe. Art and dancing are only two ways of keeping the mind active. So, another area I’d love to develop is language skills. By language skills, I mean learning to speak a foreign language of course. I think French would be my favourite to learn, because it flows, beautifully. What a fantastic way to spend your free time and so worthwhile.
Oh, another thing I just remembered. I guess this could fit in with art and creativity but let’s not be overly pernickety. CALLIGRAPHY! My father bought me a stunning calligraphy set, along with great books on how to do it, a few years ago

In essence, I feel that I cannot take each day for granted. When I become a teacher I won’t have much free time to myself. I’ll have 6am starts five days a week. So people, take advantage of having some free time. Have the odd lazy day in bed watching boring day time television. But take time out to do something for yourself. Practice an instrument you haven’t played in a while, decorate a room or simply visit an old friend! The list is endless. I confess to being sentimental! Can you tell? :D
Anyway lovely people, work on your talent or take up a new one. Remember, life is shorter than you think.
‘Til next time,
Lisa xx

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